Whether you're just starting out or an expert PHP developer, you've probably heard the dreaded line, "Works on my machine." Docker is quickly taking hold as the answer to this problem by making virtualization faster and more flexible than ever before.

In this walk-through, we'll take a step-by-step look at exactly how to set up a PHP application using Docker. Along the way we'll explore how Docker works, why containers are an improvement over virtual machines, and how this setup can eliminate differences between local and production environments.


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Eugen Neuber at 12:54 on 9 Mar 2019

Very easy to understand.
Sometimes a little to fast for me (because I'm thinking if I can adopt this in my situation)...

Brent Mitchell at 12:58 on 9 Mar 2019

Good information into getting started with Docker.

Great information for beginners! I'm inspired to give it a try.

Great overview of complex information and examples of management options.