Wield AngularJS Like a Pro - Workshop


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Overall I managed to takeaway a few Angular gems from this workshop, so it was worthwhile. However I felt the workshop was somewhat stifled by a very mixed level attendance, where there was poor understanding/ability with some of the base level requirements to work through the workshop content - it took a long time to get the entire group up and running. I'd suggest it would benefit in future by setting some pre-requisites for attendees, possibly with it being more targeted to either beginner or intermediate level based on those requisites.

The only other thing I'd suggest is a bit of an overview of the core concepts, the tools, and justifications for using certain vendor packages, particularly how they relate and add to the core (i.e. ui-router vs ngRoute)

Like I say, overall I was happy with it, and enjoyed getting a look into some mature angular code, thanks Nate!