You really did an awesome job on mixing live coding with presenting from sheets. Three things I really liked:
1) You came well prepared and gave a very well structured presentation.
2) You succeeded very well in verbally guiding the audience through the code you were writing, while at the same time explaining the underlying principles at stake. You managed to do so every step of the way.
3) You really know your tools, thereby not distracting the audience with the overhead of manually writing boilerplate for your PHP classes or your Twig templates.
I walk away from your talk understanding the state pattern and its fundamental concepts. I've definitely learned many new things!
I really liked it, especially actually using the the concepts you talked about during the presentation was nice. You did lose your flow for a few moments when PHPStorm would be strange, but that's totally understandable.
I would definitely recommend this talk to others in the future!
You told that it was the first time you attempted a live coding session like this and it worked out great. You came very well prepared and when running out of time you were able to fall back to the code you already prepared, without skipping a vital part of your story and/or creating inconsistency.
I'd recommend conferences/meetups to reserve a full hour slot for this talk. It's worth it.
Very informative talk, will try out PHPStorm now, only because of the camelHumps.
The only thing I found a bit boring was the beginning: if you had shown (and/or asked) how to implement the invoice state diagram and gone from there, you would have taken 100% of my interest 100% of the time. Instead I was thinking about how it shouldn't be so difficult at all to show and move an elePHPant with JavaScript.
Anyway, that's just me (or I could have missed the point), I really liked the direction the talk took afterwards. Thanks for refreshing ideas of how code should look like!
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You really did an awesome job on mixing live coding with presenting from sheets. Three things I really liked:
1) You came well prepared and gave a very well structured presentation.
2) You succeeded very well in verbally guiding the audience through the code you were writing, while at the same time explaining the underlying principles at stake. You managed to do so every step of the way.
3) You really know your tools, thereby not distracting the audience with the overhead of manually writing boilerplate for your PHP classes or your Twig templates.
I walk away from your talk understanding the state pattern and its fundamental concepts. I've definitely learned many new things!
I really liked it, especially actually using the the concepts you talked about during the presentation was nice. You did lose your flow for a few moments when PHPStorm would be strange, but that's totally understandable.
I would definitely recommend this talk to others in the future!
Interesting presentation + demo! I liked the state-machine pattern and your PHPStorm short cuts.
The live demo was awesome! Very informative to see you making some errors and solving them on-the-fly. Thanks!
I totally agree with Omar Reiss.
You told that it was the first time you attempted a live coding session like this and it worked out great. You came very well prepared and when running out of time you were able to fall back to the code you already prepared, without skipping a vital part of your story and/or creating inconsistency.
I'd recommend conferences/meetups to reserve a full hour slot for this talk. It's worth it.
Very informative talk, will try out PHPStorm now, only because of the camelHumps.
The only thing I found a bit boring was the beginning: if you had shown (and/or asked) how to implement the invoice state diagram and gone from there, you would have taken 100% of my interest 100% of the time. Instead I was thinking about how it shouldn't be so difficult at all to show and move an elePHPant with JavaScript.
Anyway, that's just me (or I could have missed the point), I really liked the direction the talk took afterwards. Thanks for refreshing ideas of how code should look like!