Beginner Workshop


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It was an intensive day but I believe now I have a good knowledge of what node.js is.

This workshop gave us enough knoledge to start programming nodejs. Thanks Golo.

Great workshop, I now have a deep knowledge about node. Thank you Golo ;)

Great workshop, and Golo was great. Practice and a little bit of theory in a right mix. Thanks Golo.

Very very intense but great. Couldn't have been better than this. Thanks Golo!

Anonymous at 12:23 on 16 Nov 2012

I already had some experience with node.js and boy was it still worth it to attend Golos' workshop!
Thorough understanding of the fundamentals of all things node.js - this includes the stuff you usually don't pick up easily with books or by reading blog posts, to reach that level you need to have been immersed into a community/technology for quite some time *and* be a great teacher. I learned a lot - also fun!

Would buy again. :)

@musha68k (didn't want to register with