Flow Based Programming: Why you should care even if you never plan to use it.


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It was a large topic for the time allotted, but I found it fascinating and am excited to explore this paradigm more, especially has a way to program concurrent systems. I liked the use-case examples (robotics/autonomous systems), and examples of existing projects (like Facebook's Flux architecture) that are using the paradigm - even if they don't put a name to it. My only suggestions might be to have a more streamlined concrete example to illustrate with.

I enjoyed this session. The transition from general principles to the specific example of ioflo and floscript wasn't clear to me and I ended up looking up ioflo during the talk to figure out more concretely what it was and what it was being used for. Once I read that I understood that 'house', 'framer', 'frame' wasn't an abstract way to talk about FBP, but the actual constructs for ioflo running on Python.

The robot example was cool, I saw how useful it was and thought that yes, FBP seemed like a great way to do robots and IoT stuff. Then the Salt example made me think okay, I can see how it would be useful for even more.

Thanks for the feedback. The transition from architecture to Ioflo was abrupt. I will fix that in the future. I am working on a simpler non robotic example.