Multi Environment App Management with Jenkins and Salt


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Great examples! The repos provided will give me an amazing amount of examples for the entire process.

This is stuff that is so difficult to find references, examples or documentation. Great stuff!

The slides can be downloaded at

Good content, but the presentation was kind of hard to follow. I think this is because the "examples" were real, and full of all kinds of complex configs and scripts (like the network topology/status page). The flip side to this is that looking at the GitHub repos after are more helpful. But more streamlined, less distracting examples and code would have helped during the presentation.

I learned about the Salt Mine, which should be useful in the future, and I was interested in the use of Jenkins to deploy to production. The network topology page was cool too.

Agree with Evan. The presentation was hard to follow, but it was just enough to help me navigate the repo, which was good stuff.