ChomeApps with AngularJS and NodeJS


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Anonymous at 15:45 on 3 May 2013

Absolutely pointless. All you did was make screaming goat noises for an hour.

Anonymous at 22:02 on 3 May 2013

This was probably the most entertaining class I attended, but probably also the least informative.

I understand now the capability of a Chrome App, but am not any better prepared to write one.

Anonymous at 09:31 on 4 May 2013

I loved this talk!! What are you guys talking about?!? It was way fun! I didnt need them to teach me. All I needed was the motivation to go search and make my own. They showed me what fun things you can do. 5/5

Anonymous at 12:57 on 4 May 2013

I believe that conferences really are meant to teach you. They are more to show you and give you a taste of the thing they are showing. Like he said ^^ conferences are more to give you an introduction of things so then you can go look them up and learn which/why you would like to program in that. Also to ask questions on things and be with fellow programmers. This was a great presentation and am super glad that you did that. I for one found it funny and very cool. Thanks guys!

Anonymous at 12:57 on 4 May 2013

I believe that conferences really are meant to teach you. They are more to show you and give you a taste of the thing they are showing. Like he said ^^ conferences are more to give you an introduction of things so then you can go look them up and learn which/why you would like to program in that. Also to ask questions on things and be with fellow programmers. This was a great presentation and am super glad that you did that. I for one found it funny and very cool. Thanks guys!

Great feedback from all. I had a blast. Dave and I knew that we didn't have enough slides to tie it all together. By the time we give this at FluentConf at the end of this month, we will be fully prepared. The positive feedback was great. The negative feedback is great also, it helps us know what we need to do to get better. Those who thought we needed to do better, please come check it out at FluentConf (or online afterwards). It will be better then.

We had a blast. We showed some real power behind ChromeApps and Angular.

Yeah, perhaps a little heavy on the goat noises. ;) Yet, the technology demonstrated, the creativity exemplified, and the level of audience engagement was off the charts. This style of talk would appeal to a much wider audience and could help bring more coders to the fold.

One thing that should be mentioned is that the code they used and demonstrated seems to be available on GitHub, so anyone hoping to be able to write a Chrome app could easily grab the code begin to tinker.

I enjoyed it and hope to see this duo again in the future.

Very funny and entertaining. Loved that the speakers were so willing to engage with the crowd. But I was hoping to learn more than I did. Sowing me how to get started or how to write a simple app would have been nice.

Anonymous at 08:36 on 6 May 2013

No substance, a complete waste of my time.