Is CSS dragging you down? If you are anything like me you have spent embarrassing amounts of time on CSS. Well I'm here to lighten your load and tell you it is going to be ok. Flexbox is here. So what is Flexbox? It's not another trendy framework that you are going to have spend countless hours learning. Flexbox is part of CSS and was created to make your life as a Web Developer a lot easier. Say goodbye to your struggles with CSS and responsive development and say hello to Flexbox.

This Flexbox talk is geared towards those who have just started their journey in the world of world of web development. Exposure to HTML and CSS is a must but beginners are always welcome. The talk will go through an explanation of what Flexbox is and introduces the participants to new Flexbox/CSS properties the talk will end with three resources that they can go and check out on their own to further their skills. For each property that is introduced a live coding example via CodePen will be presented to showcase the properties awesomeness.



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