## Abstract:
It’s time to tackle this javascript framework thing. If you use Angular, why can’t you also use React? Why don’t the frameworks interoperate?

Come see React, Angular and Vue coexisting via a “metaframework.” We’ll start with the “can we?”, move on to the “how?”, and finish with “should we even?”

## Longer description:
This talk will explore the landscape of frameworks from a meta perspective: why do we always choose one that we’re stuck with for awhile? Could we get the frameworks to interoperate? How can we migrate from one older framework to a new one without a big-bang rewrite?

Single-spa is a javascript library that helps you write mini-apps that coexist in the same page. Each mini-app can be written with its own javascript framework and tech stack. As you navigate around a single-spa website, you switch off between different frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue, all without the page reloading or the user even noticing. You can even have multiple frameworks running simultaneously for the same client side route.

The talk will show how single-spa solves the problem and how that has been useful for several local tech companies.

## Extra information / about me:
* Slides from previous presentations about this topic: (https://slides.com/joeldenning, especially http://slides.com/joeldenning/deck-5/live#/)
* An example of multiple frameworks coexisting: http://single-spa.surge.sh/
* The github project behind that example: https://github.com/CanopyTax/single-spa
* I am most qualified to speak on this subject because I am the author of single-spa, which is used in production by two local companies (CanopyTax and Dealer Socket) and is being experimented with by two more (Alianza and SalesRabbit). I’m passionate about things like client side routers, service oriented architecture in the browser, javascript frameworks, and really just the future of the web. With the presentation, I hope to get people thinking about avoiding rewriting everything to a new framework, splitting apps up into smaller apps that coexist on the same page, and a polyglot of frameworks coexisting. Even for those that never use the single-spa project, those topics are valuable to consider. [389]


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