There are some generalizations on what “scripting” means versus what “programming” means. In this presentation we will discuss some common perceptions:
Scripting often described as: poorly written, not well thought through, not scalable, not enterprise, not readable, not testable, one-off, not reusable, “quick get-it-done work”, not versioned, not readable code, not robust (doesn’t handle errors well), etc.
Programming often described as: uses proper version control, uses debugging tools, syntax checkers, testable, unit testing, frameworks, reusable code, libraries, ecosystems for language/tools, "serious work", enterprise ready, readable, documented/commented, robust (proper error handling), etc.

Why the difference? We'll discuss factors like: people's own biases, expectations, and assumptions.

Perhaps they should be more alike than we think. Perhaps they *are* more alike than we think. Scripting can and should be approached like any other programming work. Programming can and should be simple and flexible like scripting.

We'll also explore some common traits for all good code regardless of the language it is written in, including coding standards and practices, design patterns, and simplicity vs. complexity.



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