Anxiety is a part of my life that I often label as “harmful.” Over time, however, I have noticed that skills I developed because of anxiety have the potential to improve my life. My hyper attention to detail, once aimed at germs and other such fear-inspiring aspects of life, can be shifted to software. Suddenly, the minute details that I notice become edge cases instead of insanity. But that is only the first half of the the interaction between weakness and job. Lessons I have learned while working as a tester have helped me to better manage anxiety. This session will discuss my personal experience with how my weaknesses and my career positively affect each other, and how each of us has something unique to give and to learn because of that interaction in our own lives. [251]


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Katie Barlow at 14:29 on 13 Jul 2017

Loved all the examples of how weaknesses can strengthen work and vice versa.