Get a jump start on learning container orchestration with Kubernetes! This one-day workshop will take you through the basics of installing a local version of Kubernetes and deploying a full stack web app, complete with all the bells and whistles that Kubernetes offers.

We start with a container overview (Docker) and then work through Pods, Services, Deployments, Replica Sets, and Ingresses. We take the approach of learning the concepts in the order of the needs when deploying a full-stack web application, so you understand the “why” behind each primitive.

This workshop is targeted at developers who want to learn how to build, deploy, and scale services on Kubernetes. This is NOT for systems engineers who want to learn how to install Kubernetes or learn about the internals. [102]


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Brett Rawlins at 14:51 on 9 Jun 2018

Speaker didn't show up. Things come up. I get it. We're all busy. But please at least call and let the organizers know you can't make it next time. Just not showing up is pretty irresponsible and inconsiderate. The attendees made time in their schedule to be there, and unfortunately this was a waste of their time.

Clint Berry (Speaker) at 15:16 on 9 Jun 2018

I am so sorry that my communication didnt get through. I emailed the organizers two days previous letting them know what was happening with my family. I was able to work it out for first presentation but when things got worse I emailed Steve (no phone number I could find) letting him know I couldn’t come and also offered to email each attendee personally an apology. Also offered to give free credit to a full day paid kubernetes workshop in the fall. Apparently it didnt make it through. I am truly sorry for that.

Brett Rawlins at 08:04 on 12 Jun 2018

Thanks for clarifying Clint. Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed the worst. Hope everything is okay with your family.