This is not the PHP of old. Learn what's changed in the PHP world over the last few years. Classes, objects, statics, traits, unit testing, composer, password hashing; it's a whole new ballgame.

Learn what has changed in the PHP world over the last several years. We'll cover
The newest PHP language features.
Community efforts such as the PHP Framework Interoperability Group, Composer, and PHP the Right Way.
How to secure your application using up to date techniques.


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Seth Cottam at 12:21 on 8 Jun 2018

Great talk with an incredible amount of information in a short amount of time. I really appreciated the quick pace. I also liked showing snippets of code then showing them with the inclusion of the new principles. It made it much easier to understand with the quick pace of the presentation. It was packed with useful information with far less distractions than the common presentation.

Julian Canepa at 11:46 on 17 Aug 2018

Fantastic state of the union address that covered a large array of topics in short time. Presentation was nicely composed and included a great balance of terms/concepts, definitions and code snippets. Thanks!