Building your API Utility Belt


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Anonymous at 17:30 on 12 Sep 2015

Good tips. But I had hard time of seeing the difference between the man-in-the-middle proxies. You should add a comparision of them.

Thanks, I'll add that for the next revision! Much appreciated.

I love any talk with a numbered list of things I should know, because there are clear takeaways and actionable things you can look into once the conference is over and the sponsor tables are all packed up.

Keith highlighted several tools devs can use to work with APIs, and covered some of the benefits and features of each. His presentation was spirited in tempo and filled with bad jokes about Batman, which helped hold my attention during the difficult post-lunch/second-day cloud I work through at conferences.

One thing I think that can make this presentation better, and I only have that aforementioned cloud to blame if it's already in there and I missed it, is adding some sort of comparison of each tool and rationale for why you might choose one over the other, since there did seem to be some commonalities between them (e.g., you wouldn't use all 7). Otherwise, excellent talk!