SCRUM in the wild


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I thought Scrum would never be my kind of Framework, maybe after all it does. I'd like to talk some more about this with Mike v Riel some time. Great way of speaking too. Keep up the good work.

Awesome presentation by Mike. It is amazing how much detail Mike can put into such a short time, without me feeling overwhelmed by the information. Great set of information, ideas, considerations.

Great presentation, concise and right to the point. Especially captivating is the passion expressed by Mike in his explanations.

Awesome presentation. Thank you.

In one word: perfect! Can't think of any way that it could have been better! Learned a lot, but didn't get too much information at once. Liked the slides too.

Ik zat (links) vooraan maar vond deze spreker op diverse momenten slecht verstaanbaar. Het verhaal vond ik interessant en goed belicht. Het publiek werd er ook op een leuke manier bij betrokken.