Writing Clean and testable code


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Great to hear of design patterns and practical ways to improve the code

So much to cover in one talk. Nice job.

Anonymous at 19:01 on 12 Mar 2015

Anonymous at 19:40 on 12 Mar 2015

This was really helpful. Reinforced a lot of things we have heard along the way, but in a really hands-on way.

Anonymous at 23:15 on 12 Mar 2015

Always good to sit in a room and have a discussion about best practices with regards to writing code. Sometimes the best solution isn't always the most economically viable and standards can warp when you don't have clear direction. It was good to get some advice/knowledge on this subject from someone who had taken the time to put this together. Wish there were more talks out there on this subject (or maybe I need to look harder).

The talk was staying too much on the surface. The room was full of experienced senior developers and while it's always nice to be reminded to apply good practices, if found that for that audience the talk was repeating too much common knowledge.

Great overview of the things we should all be doing but don't because we're always in a hurry :)