Here Be Dragons: PHP at Its Limits


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Andew is a good, confident new speaker, very clearly spoken. The pace was consistent, but I think this could be improved if this talk was done again... I think the first section (introducing CGI/FPM/basics etc.) should've been rushed a bit more, so that more focus and detail be explored in PHPFastCGI & PHP-PM, which I believe was the intended focus of the talk. However, despite this, it was overall a good talk with interesting content - with a bit of practice Andrew could become a great speaker - thanks Andrew :)

Andrew is a new speaker, but you wouldn't have known it; he delivered his talk well - clearly and well-paced. The content was rather specialised and I personally don't see a real-life use for it, but nevertheless interesting to hear and got some good discussions going. :D

Dag Ivarsøy at 12:11 on 22 May 2015

I enjoyed Andrew's presentation. I found him easy to follow all the way throughout the talk. The topic was interesting, but I wish it was ready to be put in a production environment.