The last ones who told me I could learn from a plush toy were my daughters. Of course, I acknowledged. Yet, it dawned on me : after ten years of life, the PHP plush has achieved so much ! It went to the White House and Antarctica ; it spawned forty thousands offsprings and a jet-set generation of collectors ; it built bridges within and outside the community. Nowadays, it is alive and kicking. It still reviews my code, casting an odd look to me, once in while. No one can have enough elephpant.


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Very entertaining talk. I've been collecting the elePHPants for years, but was not aware of a lot of the story and facts behind.

All the stories were fascinating, from the birth of the original elePHPant to getting one to Antarctica.
Overall the keynote was interesting, fun and inspiring.

Miro Svrtan at 14:14 on 27 Oct 2018

It was really nice to hear all the ElePHPants stories. I liked the topic, speaker was interesting but I'm not sure this is a material for a keynote.

Nice speech about branding ElePHPant

Pim Elshoff at 18:44 on 27 Oct 2018

Very fun and enjoyable; would love to be sent off with a message about community engagement. The opening keynote should leave is excited for the rest of the conference

That's was a funny and interesting talk about how the idea of the Elephant come up.

For an opening keynote? Awesome, that really cheer all the audience to the purpose of this event.

That was a cool talk!

Frankly, I'm feeling a bit disappointed that up until now I had no idea that there was a history behind this elephant (nor did I know it's official name - elephpant).

Karol Kreft at 19:43 on 31 Oct 2018

Unfortunately, I missed the first few minutes of this talk, but what I saw when I finally came allows me to regret it. Talk was very enjoyable, the history behind the PHP mascot is very interesting and it is something that any other community besides the PHP one can envy us.

Damien is a very good speaker with the skill of keeping attendees focused and involved. That was exactly what I was expecting from the keynote.

A very good choice for an opening keynote and a very interesting story with great photos. Thank you!