This talk will address several points in our codes that we can improve it to make it more stringent, avoiding false positives, points that have not been tested and have actually written code that complies with our business rules, avoiding unnecessary bugs. We will work with PHP 7 types, the identical operator, weak comparison functions and counters, and more.


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Rafael Dohms at 12:27 on 28 Oct 2018

Gabriel did a great job in this talk, the subject is very interesting and he introduces very good starting points to begin using strict programming.
Even it being his first event speaking in english he was fully in control of the language, I would only try to watch a few moments when he either spoke too fast of mumbled the content.
I believe he can make this a full 1h/45m talk by rounding off a few topics, maybe talking a little more about the effect this has on teams or some challenges if starting down this path.