Learn how to use PHPUnit to test your app in a real browser using Selenium. This hands-on training will show you how to start writing & executing functional (aka end-to-end) tests with Selenium in a minute.

If you already use PHPUnit for your unit tests, there is no need to switch to a different tool or platform just to write functional tests. You can keep productivity from using your familiar environment of PHPUnit and just add some additional integration with Selenium.

So we will take advantage of PHPUnit and php-webdriver integration with Steward library, and use Docker to run Selenium without any other dependencies.

The training will cover:

- setting up local development environment (using Docker)
- practical examples of functional tests implementation
- exploring possibilities of Selenium WebDriver
- parallel test execution using Steward
- hands-on Page Object design pattern
- dealing with asynchronous elements of web-pages (AJAX, JavaScript)
- general tips & tricks how to keep a maintainable suite of functional tests in a long-term


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I found the tutorial pretty useful to me, was able to follow the hands-on steps easily in order to get the hang of steward as a testing tool and the features of the Selenium WebDriver. Also the Page pattern was well introduced and described as a good approach to this kind of testing.
The preparation for the tutorial in terms of directions to install and get the docker image and vcn viewer working was good.

+ usefull info if someone hasn't seen selenium before
+ well explained
+ provided materials, github repor + wiki

- I wonder if it wasn't a bit too long for four hours