Lightning Talk


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David Yell at 09:12 on 10 Mar 2016

An interesting talk and one that I'd be keen to hear more about. Delivered confidently but conversationally which kept it interesting. I would like to find out more about ideas which worked and those that didn't. Recovering from a stumble in a tech business often is a great teacher.

James Titcumb at 09:12 on 10 Mar 2016

A great look at the journey for starting Tap - some great anecdotes about the sort of support requests too! Good overall, and with more talks Pete will improve. I look forward to seeing more!

Lee Boynton at 10:09 on 10 Mar 2016

An enjoyable talk, it was interesting to hear about how a business has developed. It was confidently delivered, and would definitely like to hear more talks from Pete!