Azure has a huge amount of amazing tools available on a single platform. During this workshop, we will be taking an in-depth look at a few of these tools. We will focus specifically on PHP and other open source technology.


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Schalk Keun at 14:58 on 27 Sep 2017

Only wish Microsoft allowed me to log in so that I could do this workshop with you.

Prince Sebapu at 15:16 on 27 Sep 2017

I am glad MS is now in OSS space, wishing some Azure services can be FOSS.

Good to get some insights into what the offerings at Azure are and having some of the Microsoft (I assume they were from MS) was useful. Too bad about not being able to log into the portal because of issues with the Azure portal though

Lauren Els at 19:02 on 29 Sep 2017

I really enjoyed this talk, so much so that I went to it twice! Who would have thought that so much usability was defined for developers! Left feeling very empowered with a whole new knowledge base of recourses available to me, and took me by complete surprise that no area was left unturned by Microsoft. For the Devs, For the Marketers, For the Analysts, For the Researchers, seriously? Did you guys forget anything? Guess not!