For the second day of the conference, the second track will be transformed into a Hands On Space - somewhere for you to put into practice the skills and technologies from your favourite talks, collaborate with other attendees, and have some in-depth discussions from the experts.

Check the whiteboard to see who you can expect to work with during each hour of the day - and maybe add your own name to the list. Perhaps you'd like to give a face-to-face tutorial on your favourite framework, or show people how easy it is to contribute to your team's open source project?

The space will be open to all throughout the day, so grab a seat, plug in your laptop, and get involved!


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Chris Sherry at 12:08 on 11 Jun 2017

I had a fascinating 45mins or so with Rowan Merewood talking PWAs and AMP.

This is a feature I'd love to see at other conferences, as many speakers say 'come talk to me afterwards' but are then difficult to find and you don't know how long you can talk with them for. Having this structured was really valuable.