Everybody wants quick applications. A lot of that speed can be gained by the way you write your software, but a big chunk has to do with the way PHP is configured. As PHP matured, it got quicker, it used less memory and it accumulated a lot of settings which can be tuned for performance.The biggest, and often most misunderstood, features for performance are realpath cache (introduced in 5.3), OPCache (introduced in 5.5) and preloading (introduced in 7.4). This talk covers how these features work, how you can take advantage of them on your servers and during deployments, and tries to show all the ini settings relevant for performance.


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Very interesting. A good talk

Matt Dawkins at 09:13 on 25 Feb 2020

Thanks for sharing. Not really helpful for me personally, as it turns out, far too in-depth and experimental for what I was expecting. But generally well presented.