Mid Conference Party


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Was jokes. I think all the guys enjoyed those exotic dancers...

This is made to look really pretty bad when you compare it to the night in The Union the next day. I feel this would have been much better if it was just free / paid drinks at the venue. At the conference social, I want to be able to talk with the people, catch up, mingle, etc. I can't do this if there's loud music, the room is packed, everybody is sweating and we're mixed in with random members of the public. By which I mean the people prostituting themselves on the dance floor. One of them even found a guy (not a PHP developer) bundled past us and pretty much started mating with each other on a pile of our coats. So... yeah, good entertainment but it's not why I go to a conference.

It was a good fun party (and the free drinks very much appreciated), but would have preferred more of an "upstairs of a pub" type venue - or more drinks at the business design centre.

Anonymous at 19:28 on 29 Feb 2012

a strip club? I felt very uncomfortable and didn't stay long