Talk in English - UK at PHP UK Conference 2012
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To a thousand servers and beyond: scaling a massive PHP application
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I think this talk could be way more in depth as people seem really interested in how u guys run Put more meat and other techy details into it. Long live pinky!
Really good to know how grew and scaled - you could easily go deeper into detail as the talk seemed to run a little short. Loved the humour!
Seriously shocking talk. I was amazed how can actually allow their Dev team to exercise such practices. Working off the trunk, hundreds of commits from any developer onto whole platform, etc... Every company I worked for would simply say "No f. Way"... But then again the approach although risky (or even insane) had a lot of good thought put into it. I will definitely research the ways of Deep Pink :)
The most controversial talk at the event, as it seems does everything the exact opposite to what could be considered as the best practices today. Interesting talk anyway.
I think most of us are really afraid of a situation that wordpress embraced: everyone commits to trunk, and can deploy at the push of a button!
However, maybe it is our own short-sightedness (or our manager's) that needs looking at.
After all, isn't that entire concept what Wikipedia is based on? Wisdom of the Crowd...
* Make it easy to undo changes
* Give as many people as possible access to make/undo changes
And the result:
* Critical mistakes are few and far between
* Minor mistakes get fixed almost organically
Definitely something I will consider!
Really fun. Probably the best set of slides at the conference. SAD DEEP PINK! OH NOES!
Potentially could have been a bit more technical but that's subjective so not really an issue.
Session data in a cookie? Wouldn't be my choice, but if it works...
Great talk.
Would have a liked a little bit less "this is what we do at WP" and more "this is what you can do and why/how" but otherwise great.
Work on trunk, commit & deploy... WOW
Interesting overall but deploy live 100 times a day is defo a fun topic :)
Genuinely engaging talk - delivered expertly. My only reservation is that I would have liked to hear more numbers about the wordpress deployment (how much data pushed through memcache, for example). The Q+A was amusing, but probably not for the right reasons.
Excellent talk, probably my top pic at the conference. Would like to see an extended / more in depth talk in the future.
This was a really very interesting talk that has prompted a lot of discussion in our team. I think if you say that your devs are commiting and releasing straight to live, you need a bit more on that, like in practice how you do feature flags and so on, but overall well worth an hour of any developer or sysadmin's time.
Nice to show us the architecture is using. However, I had the feeling that the presentation was a little bit too short and that you could give us some more insight and technical details about the used infrastructure. I liked the humor and Pinky slides :-)