Working with companies from early-stage startups to Fortune 500, I've experienced both the struggle of continuing someone else's work and the joy of it. The difference is only in their approach towards the design of their code. It's a minor effort if done on time, with a huge impact on the overall development of the software. In this presentation, we'll focus on what distinguishes a good developer from a strong one and learn how to stand out from the crowd. After this presentation, you'd understand how to incorporate the SOLID principles in your daily work and design your code for extendibility. You'd learn how to write code in a way that will make it easy to go back to a feature you developed a year ago and extend it with additional functionality in minutes, not hours.


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A great overview of the SOLID design principles. Katerina was able to explain each of them through a real case example.

Mr Peter Chiu at 10:18 on 22 Feb 2019

Great talk with examples about SOLID principles and demonstrating the benefits and time saving in following the principles.

Gareth Ellis at 10:53 on 22 Feb 2019

A good overview of how to use SOLID to refactor hard-to-maintain code. More suited to a main track talk, not a keynote.

David Yell at 11:16 on 22 Feb 2019

It was a good talk, but I don't really think it's a keynote talk.

A strong talk. SOLID is important, and this was a good delivery with real life examples. I do wonder if the talk would have been better as a main track talk than a keynote, however that's down the scheduling, and it didn't change the fact this is a very good talk! Thanks Katerina!

TuKlyepri at 16:04 on 22 Feb 2019

Good examples.

Donald Tyler at 18:53 on 22 Feb 2019

This was a great talk with lots of extremely valuable insight. It was kind of unusual for a keynote talk, but since it is such a universally valuable concept, I liked the fact that all of the attendees got to experience it. The presentation was well done, and the speaker had a good presence.

I definitely don't agree with "Don't laugh at PHP jokes" though. Self deprecating humor is hilarious :p

Great talk, good examples it was easy to follow, only one thig maybe, when a larger piece of code is shown but only talking about a small portion of it maybe zooming in to that would have made easier to read.

Fabian Becker at 10:22 on 23 Feb 2019

Good talk, but not Keynote material in my opinion.

Alex Youngs at 11:49 on 23 Feb 2019

Katerina gave a confident, solid talk (no pun intended) on how to be a better developer and gave some nice real world code examples.

It did feel as though we had launched straight into the main track rather than the keynote and I'm not sure why that is or what feedback I can give to help explain why.

Scott Dutton at 20:44 on 24 Feb 2019

Good talk on the SOLID principals, This is something all developers should know and did explain them clearly.
I found the text being shown far too small and too much code per slide.

Peter Fox at 23:13 on 24 Feb 2019

A good talk but nothing really new for anyone who's learnt about SOLID before. It was an odd choice for a keynote and didn't get me very psyched for the rest of the day.

Jonas at 06:45 on 25 Feb 2019

Not good material for a keynote, introduction too long, the L of Solid not explained properly, example a bit ridiculous, the talk itself has some potential and the speaker is good but would need to rework a lot her presentation

Mike Lehan at 12:30 on 25 Feb 2019

Explaining the SOLID principles is really important and Katerina did a great job of that.

The code examples at the start were a bit hard to follow, possibly because of trying to get everything in and definitely because the code on the slides was small. However once the talk brought in the SOLID principles it became clear what the code examples were for, as they neatly demonstrated failures in each, and how doing the initial code properly would have produced a better product for longer term development.

From speaking to Katerina afterwards the talk was submitted as a track talk rather than keynote; I think the title did lend itself to being a keynote but the talk possibly less so. Nontheless it was presented clearly, confidently and I'd go see the full length version again if I got chance!

Great presentation. Have no clue why someone would not consider it being a good keynote talk - I thoroughly enjoyed it.