Learning more than one programming language is key to becoming a better developer. It is like adding a new tool to your toolbox. The more tools you have, the easier and quicker you’ll be able to tackle whatever job you need to do. You’ll also be able to use the right tool for the job, and who doesn’t like that?! I picked up Go (golang) a few years ago as it was becoming more popular among developers. Coming from a PHP background, I had no idea what channels or goroutines were or how is concurrency different from parallelism. I’ve got to say, it was a whole new world. Very different, but very cool. I was hooked! By happy coincidence, my company was looking to rewrite a legacy PHP app in Go. It was over 2000 lines of procedural and messy PHP4 with more downtime than I’m willing to admit to. I took on this project, and soon enough we had a much faster, more maintainable and much more reliable app for our customers. Go gave us options we would not have in PHP. The goal of this talk is to give you a good idea of what Go is and how it compares with PHP. We’ll look at the language itself as well as the tooling and communities around it. Even if you’re not sold on Go by the end of it, I hope you’ll leave inspired to go out there and learn whatever language you wanted to look into next.


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Dave Stokes at 14:02 on 22 Feb 2019

Very clear with great examples

Wim Godden at 15:15 on 22 Feb 2019

Nice intro to Go, while also pointing out what the strengths and weaknesses of both PHP and Go are.

TuKlyepri at 16:06 on 22 Feb 2019

Good insight into go and also the comparisons with PHP

Christophe at 17:39 on 22 Feb 2019


Good talk about Go, and the key aspects of using it, an eye opener for devs to learn more languages not just frameworks

Fabian Becker at 10:23 on 23 Feb 2019

Really cool talk. Fun to watch and a lot to learn.

Scott Dutton at 20:58 on 24 Feb 2019

Great introduction to go.

Mike Lehan at 12:32 on 25 Feb 2019

Covered everything a PHP developer would need to consider about Go. Some examples of more built in tooling (like native tests!) would have been very interesting and another helpful comparison.

It would also have been good to learn about the journey of how a developer even goes about learning a new language - where do you start, how long before you can do it professionally etc. but that's probably just asking to stuff a fairly packed talk even more!

Piers Beckley at 13:16 on 25 Feb 2019

Excellent introduction to a language I didn't know much about, and the fact that the speaker was able to compare and contrast it to PHP was particularly helpful and interesting.