The next generation of developers are looking for learning resources, Universities are not able to provide the platform required to everyone, it comes at a high cost... Current free resources are lacking behind with new improvements in the language. Here's how we're filling that requirement. PHP School, a completely Open Source learning platform for "students" to push themselves, at their own pace, not driven by deadlines but topics of interest. Teach the skills that are required, show off your project with a tutorial workshop! The possibilities are endless, let's help shape the next generation.


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Ben Plummer at 08:38 on 29 Sep 2017

A great talk covering the background and purpose of PHP School, as well as how to get involved by building workshops. The live demo demonstrated clearly how the platform is used and the code examples showing how to build a workshop were also very easy to understand, making it simple for people to contribute. Overall, the talk was delivered well and flowed nicely with well structured content. The only areas for improvement I can suggest are to have a bit more confidence and speak a bit louder (the loudness may be more down to the audio set up so this may not be a concern!). Thanks!