We always start with the best intentions when we create a new project. But over time we might end up with parts of our code that are hard to read or/and understand.

Here we will take you through a series of excersises you can apply to your day to day coding. These should help you to end up with more readable code. Also in the second part we will talk about some best practices, when incorporated will give you improved code and redability. And to end there are other factors to take into account, people will use or abuse your application and there are external tools to help you with that.

When done we should have some idea how to incorporate the tricks in our day to day programming tasks.


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Arne De Smedt at 23:53 on 12 Jun 2018

Luchtige talk als afsluiter met veel handige tips en tricks. Misschien nog een aanvulling: phpgrump met extensies als phpcs.

Excellent tips and tricks that can help development teams to produce better code and read code more efficiently.
Good pace, very clear.

A good addition would be to go into more depth about input validation with more examples.

Dennis D at 20:58 on 13 Jun 2018

Interessante talk met hele duidelijke voorbeelden en een logische beredenering over het "waarom" achter een bepaalde techniek/code style.