Those teams working in an agile fashion will usually bring the tester in as early as possible in the development cycle — often during the planning stages — to find potential problems before they create work to fix. But checking for potential technical problems is only a small part of what the QA team can do in this stage.

The QA team has a wide scope to make the product as good as it can be. This allows the tester to use not just their technical knowledge, but their non-technical knowledge, in their quest for quality.

In this talk, we will be outlining those non technical disciplines that a tester has, from historian to lawyer, and even spy. Testers will come away from this talk full of ideas of questions to ask of their product, while other members of the team will come away with a greater understanding of the knowledge a good tester can bring to the table.

Items covered will include accessibility, data protection, misuse of a product, and being culturally sensitive.


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Thank you for your talk, it gave me a wider perspective on the role of the tester. One piece of feedback: although you used sign posting for the first half of your talk, it was clear where you were going towards the end.

An interesting talk although, for me, the pace could have been a little quicker for a talk toward the end of the day.
More interaction with the audience may have focused attention?

Shaun Walker at 09:52 on 15 Apr 2019

Agree with others that the pacing could be a bit faster. Though every different trait is massively important, it does tend to follow the same formula of "here is another skillset for this kind of information gathering, apply it directly to your own work but also branch out and look at the bigger picture to improve your overall wealth of knowledge".

I think this talk would really benefit from real world examples to really drive the point home. As I imagine a lot of people would think naively "well yeah duh of course we are all these" and real world examples could open their eyes to something they never thought about.

The whole UI mockup of tapping cancel with no feedback then suddenly calling your ex, forms mishandling name and gender fields were great. Would be good to see some in the other categories like legal, psychological etc.

I do think this was a great talk, on a really really important topic. Please carry on refining this talk and delivering it at other conferences as it is definitely something many people need to hear.

John Hughes at 11:18 on 15 Apr 2019

Lots of good and interesting things to think about.