Talk in English - UK at PHP Yorkshire 2017
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We ask our users to give us a lot of personal data in order to provide rich experiences. People are complex and it is very easy to make assumptions about the most basic questions. This talk will look at how to ask people about data in a way that is inclusive, helpful while still providing value. Using gender as an example, we will learn what the stress cases are and what other things we need to consider when we ask our users to trust us with their identity.
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Informative, fun, and a real eye-opener for me personally
A very interesting look at gender and fields on a form that don't fit on in the 21st century
Good talk & great content, but felt it mismatched with the description too much. Would have been good to look with a wider view.
Interesting and helpful reflections !
Interesting and informative as always from Chad.
Informative, important, and well delivered. Like accessibility, it's great to see real life examples and hear personal experience so it can't be dismissed as a theoretical issue. Left the talk with practical ideas for improving my work, so positive all round.
This was an insightful talk, and a very clean, professional delivery. The focus on constructive advice, and reasons why the issues discussed matter, made for an excellent introduction to the subject. Glad I had the chance to see it.