VIM + *nix Toolchain == PHP IDE


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Holy crap, so much new stuff! Shame you ran out of time near the end and had to run over it, but very interresting stuff.

for more advanced vim users i was missing the real point: php integration in vim
howto pipe your linting results into error buffers, phpunit into error buffers, ...

for the rest, very nice talk to get people interested in using vim, but the bootcamp is already to extensive to keep em onboard :)

The big tip came afterwards... You told someone how you setup vim on all environments. Just git clone your .vim folder from a git repository and symlink your .vimrc file - this lowers the threshold on multiple environments for me. Thanks.

Only rating down a bit because the timing meant that we didn't cover more of the advanced stuff and plug-ins at the end - which is where I learnt the most. Very clearly presented though, definitely going to look at Landslide for presentations and the vim screens were very easy to read.

Great enthusiasm for vim, and an excellent demo setup really made this a very entertaining talk.

I never really used vim, so I hoped to get an idea of the power of the tool and maybe even a reason for switching over from my favourite IDE.

Matthew convinced me of the power, but I am not 100% convinced yet if I will be able to forego my nice shiney IDE for this raw, brute powertool. BUT... I will give it a try!

Very enthusiastic talk about vim. It did focus a lot on the text editing itself. Would've loved to see more about what it offers in terms of cross project navigation, method navigation, refactoring etc. now I'm still not convinced it can replace an IDE :-)

Great talk, I agree with some others that the bootcamp could have been a lot shorter so we could have gotten more from the meaty plugins part and the more advanced usage.

Your demo setup was very clear though and well prepared. Excellent performance.

As a sidenote, I can totally sympathize with the aligning of stuff like variable assignments. I am quite keen on that as well and have already added tabularize to my 'got to have' list ;)

I loved the enthusiasm which makes me want to use VIM as PHP IDE again.
However the basic part was already known to me and took most of time and left to less time for the interesting stuff at the end.

A good introduction on VIM. Liked the "display-keystore" widget, although it wasn't really that clear because of the speed. Also, the alignment of the beamer was a bit of, so you couldn't really see the first column properly.
I wasn't really expecting to hear something new but I still did. Would like to see more advanced talk on the different plugins you (and others) use for daily IDE usage.

Wow! When this talk was done I felt like I was hit by an information avalanche! My god this was a lot of information to take in in one hour, and since most of it was new to me (I already used VIM but only the very basic stuff) trying to remember everything meant I simply couldn't pick up any more information after about 30 minutes.

When doing a VIM talk it's probably impossible to satisfy everybody in the room when the audience consists of both beginner and experienced users (since just covering the basics would probably already take like 8 hours). However, I think the main purpose here was to get more people to start exploring of the features of VIM and that's exactly what I'm going to do after I've seen this talk - so I'd say job well done :-)

You know what? I played with vim on my way home and used it for a bit. I could really get used to this! Thanks for opening a whole new world and giving a great talk! Now I hopefully found an IDE that I can stick with. :-)

Great talk from a man with passion. You could see that in the way talk was done. The only thing I would advise for the future would be to cut of the basics and come straight into plugins and all the hidden/not obvious features of vim. Awesome idea with the keyboard keys shown at the top so everybody could see what Matthew was doing.

Sweet! Though I wish there was more on plugins and plugin managers instead of basic key bindings. I believe many people got inspired!

I MUST give 5 stars not because of what I learned, which was a lot. But because it really conveninced me in trying to use VIM one more time for more than just the basic stuff. The Piping stuff is awesome.

Awesome talk, Matthew rocks!

WOW, I did not know you could do all this with VIm!
Too bad you only had such a short time to show everything, could have listened for another hour!

Anonymous at 10:07 on 31 Jan 2012

After this talk I decided to get into Vim again, so I spent the entire weekend looking for vimrc's and vimcasts. Job well done!


This was one of the best talks of the conference for me. I know my way around vim but I didnĀ“t know there is so much you can do with it. Thanks for showing us Matthew! Too bad you ran out of time. This is definitely tutorial material!

One suggestion:
The keystrokes add-on you had in the upper right corner was well thought of, however because you were typing really fast, I couldn't follow it from the back of the room. It wasn't a big problem since you told use the key shortcuts in advance.

Best talk I've seen at PHPBenelux, although that doesn't really count for me because I only saw 3 or 4 talks.

Matthew is a top speaker, no doubt about that. Matthew is a VIM expert, no doubt about that either. But what really convinced me is the sheer enthousiasm that was dripping off Matthew's delivery. He must have really enjoyed himself.

Just like Lineke, I would advise you to type just a bit slower.

This was one of the best experiences I've ever had speaking, and perhaps the most enjoyable time I've had delivering a talk. I was severely bummed that I ran out of time, as the parts that were most relevant to PHP development were all towards the end... and thus had to gloss over them. All of these plugins are referenced in the slides, however, as well as in my vimrc git repo, so please give them a whirl and see how they can help you with your projects!

I'm pleased to read all the comments from attendees who have been inspired to try out vim, or try new things with vim -- this is why I speak at conferences!

Thanx! Time to try some things out now :-)