Getting started with content management in Symfony2


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Anonymous at 17:00 on 24 Jan 2014

A good introduction to the basics of CMF and PHPCR.

Good CMF introduction. Very well prepared. I already knew a lot of the theory from Youtube and the docs, so I personally would have liked to have more hands on. But I guess time was too limited for that. I love the fact that we have good demo code.

I just added the link to the tutorial repository that i used. Look at the Pull Requests in there.

Thanks for the feedback. I think a next time i will try to alternate more between showing and actual coding, but indeed 3 hours is not that much to do both coding and get far with showing things.

Nice introduction! Basics of CMF and PHPCR were explained in a clear way.

Side note, for me it was ideal that there was more demo than hands-on, but I think full-time developers would like more