Ansible, just use it


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My suggestion would be to lower the pace of the presentation. There was a lot of information in there, of which relatively much was assumed to be known. For me, we stepped over some things, like the tasks and the variables parts a little too fast.

Nevertheless the content was good!

I'm still not convinced that I should switch from chef to Ansible. I already have ruby on my development boxes for vagrant, so chef feels a more natural fit, and I'm confortable enough with scripting recipes; so why do I need to add Python to that mix so that I can run Ansible instead.

However, Srdjan's talk was enough to persuade me to give it a try, so I'll be interested in comparing it with chef

Although this would definitely be more suitable for a longer slot, I found the talk to be well-paced, although prior exposure to Ansible certainly didn't hurt. Maybe try to recap the five main concepts you've covered (inventory, tasks, templates, playbooks, variables) on one slide towards the end, it might make it easier for people to connect the dots afterwards.

Listened to same talk on other conference and presenter performance improved greatly. Would love to see a full blown talk about it.

Nice flow, presented well and as Nikola mentioned maybe add a recap at the end to see what a full ansible provisioning would look like.