Implementing a REST API is not only about designing correct resource URLs. I will talk about the software and system engineering part it takes to build a data API. I will show concrete examples from a project where we gather data from dozens of different services and systems and build a real-time capable data store. The main technology stack is Symfony, Elasticsearch and Varnish.


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I guess this talk needs more dynamic, and less slides.

Anonymous at 16:54 on 27 Jan 2018

Nice collection of tips and insights on building a API with PHP.

It was cool to hear what is involved in such a big api.

Jelle Smeets at 21:04 on 27 Jan 2018

Good to see how the speaker tackled problems for a big API. But the presentation needed some more action, and was a bit difficult to follow at times.

Koen Cornelis at 23:29 on 27 Jan 2018

This talk probably wasn't bad if you came to see what was delivered. Sadly, i went by the title and this talk wasn't about rest. Aside from the tip to write good documentation (which is true for any API), it was more about Varnish, ES, Symfony and how a specific api was built wit them. From the title i expected tips and tricks for building a REST API. But that was missing.

Guy Steels at 12:48 on 28 Jan 2018

Expected more from this talk.

Robert Broen at 17:34 on 28 Jan 2018

The title is strictly speaking not wrong. Unfortunately it says nothing about which insights were found (and are the subject of the talk).
The matter of the talk is very interesting.
The real life case you based the talk on was great, you had well prepared slide, supported by solid research and lots of data.

Unfortunately, the audience could not feel your passion for the subject... and you lost them.

Bruno at 21:07 on 28 Jan 2018

This talk had potential but unfortunately it wasn't well delivered imo. Although there was a lot of useful information it was not always easy to follow due to the amount of content in the slides and the amount of slices itself. At times it felt like the presentation was more ment for an internal company meeting than for an audience at a conference.

There were some really useful bits of information. Although at times it was a bit hard to follow.

To improve I'd recommend adding a bit more structure and clearer learning goals.... E.g.
In this section we're going to solve problem X. Here is solution to problem X.

Rein Corselis at 09:33 on 29 Jan 2018

Need some work with the slides. Zoom more in on details. To much zoomed out.

Bart Reunes at 09:36 on 29 Jan 2018

The talk could be better organised: provide your audience with more information on how it is structured, and where in your talk we are. There was a lot of useful information. Also, I would recommend to somehow add Varnish to the title, instead of using REST twice.

David at 11:37 on 29 Jan 2018

I agree with the rest. Talk was more a list of implementation steps, not so much about real insights.

This talk has a future, but I didn't understand what was the purpose of it, I didn't get any takeouts nor what should I be aware in my own path to future REST APIs. Lacks a certain message.

The talk was technically correct but not what I expected of it.
It was also very dull / non-entertaining.

The guy next to me sadly fell asleep.
It's hard to convey passion, keep trying!

Joey at 19:33 on 29 Jan 2018

The contents of the presentation were actually quite good, lots of good tips. However the speaker had a very monotone voice and although the subject was quite interesting the speaker was not (mostly of the way of speaking and monotone voice).

I do agree with the fact that the title is not really representative of the talk.

An interesting example of a real-life API that was brought in a monotome way that unfortunately did not connect. I also would have loved to see more focus on REST and the technology stack in general, and a bit less on things like data maintenance (e.g. Elastic indexing).

Maybe it wasn't wise to start the talk by immediately dismissing the part of the title about REST maturity levels, as it set a tone of deviation from expectations made by the talk's title and outline.

Nice talk, but a bit superficial. I would recommend focusing on a few components of the built system
and explain them in detail.