In this 3 hour tutorial session, you’ll learn how to quickly get started with Symfony 4 and build you very first small application. To get the most of it, we’ll try to cover as many topics as possible in 3 hours :

Installing Symfony and third party free plugins with Symfony Flex,
Configuring the application with environment variables,
Registering services in the dependency injection container,
Querying a database through Doctrine ORM mapped entities and repositories,
Debugging problems with the Web Profiler and verbose stack traces,
Performing tasks through the console tool,
And much more!It’s the chance to get started the right way with Symfony 4 and a SensioLabs expert!


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Leon Boot at 11:31 on 29 Jan 2018

This might have been a

Leon Boot at 11:42 on 29 Jan 2018

Attempt 2, sorry:

This might have been a case of wrong expectations on my side. This tutorial was my first choice, but tickets for this tutorial were sold out. When the tutorial I chose got cancelled because the speaker fell ill, I was able to attent this tutorial after all.

I think that what I expected was more emphasis on the 3.4 to 4.0 change. The first part of the tutorial did cover this, but not that much more than what I already figured out by starting a blank Symfony 4 project (and boy, starting that 4.0 project was a shocker! Where's Doctrine? Where's Twig?). The second half (the hands-on part) was basically what I do all the time: creating Entities, Controllers, Twig templates and Console commands. It was interesting to see the slightly different approach with controllers, but other than that, not much new. Looking around, I saw lots of attendees using Slack, WhatsApp or checking their mailbox, so I think I wasn't the only one having the "been there, done that" feeling.

Harold Claus at 14:35 on 29 Jan 2018

Interesting topic but try to "see" and talk to your audience. I found it hard to follow considering the fact you talked very quite and a lot of the time to yourself during the workshop (actual coding).

I found it very interesting to see the new streamlined features of Symfony 4.0. I had no trouble following along, except at the end where things went a bit fast.

Also, it's probably not wise to say that you came up with the idea for the second part of the tutorial one day before. Despite that lack of preparation it did go quite smoothly, so there's obviously a lot of expertise involved in the coding.