What’s the difference between service location and dependency injection? Why is this dependency injection thing such a big deal anyway, and how do you use that tool correctly? I’ll answer these questions and more, including real-world examples of refactoring an application toward the more explicit, testable, closer-to-SOLID applications.


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Dave Stokes at 16:17 on 26 Jan 2019

Very complete presentation. Great job

There is definitely need for explaining DI. I wished I was given most of the information earlier when I was learning DI and DIC. Some things got me worried though, injecting a DateTime in the constructor to get the current time to be used for an Entity? O.o There are better ways to do this and to be testable, this is not one of them. There were also some other points that were not that very well thought. I think clearing the presentation, giving better examples and maybe also get inspiration from Martin Fowler blog posts about DI/DIC and IoC can really benefit the talk and make it very good. Definitely work on it and make it better, it's a really valuable topic and knowledge.

PS: It's good to mention some of the packages that give you DIC, but only for comparing in a small part of the talk, the most of the talk IMO should be based on why you want to do it, what's the concept of it and some well though explanatory examples.

Well deliver talk about a deep subject like Dependency Injection. Code examples were clear and added to the talk, but I have to indeed agree with my fellow 'feedbackers' here that the presentation could do without the explanation of the DI packages. Nevertheless, a good talk.

Very nice talk (texas joke still funny the 2nd time :D) Where you lost me for a moment is when you showed us the code snippet inside a tweet part. The code is hard to read (mostly due to the lack of proper names). While the code inside 1 or 2 tweets is cool I think it isn't right for the purpose of the talk. If those examples were more easy to read I think I would've followed that part better.
Thanks a lot for the great talk.