More than just good code, DDD is about language. Language that your product owner and stake holders live. Language that your work must embody. Language your code should speak.

In this workshop we’ll learn how to make our code speak the language of our clients. We will gracefully evolve our understanding from nothing to something and learn to write code that radiates our understanding of the problem.

If you want to have better conversations, make more useful models and write better code, then this is the workshop for you.

Topics include:

Out-of-the-box thinking and modelling Clean language essentials Matrushka doll design Lot’s and lot’s of DDD


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Wouter at 16:41 on 24 Jan 2020

Too theoretical in my opinion, should have been more hands on.

I liked this workshop - it was just too short so we didn't have much time for actually writing code - which is what I was hoping for.
However I had some nice insights, especially the group activities showed how easily developers can get lost in the details (starting to interpret instead of listening) and that's very useful to be aware of.
It was easy to see that Joop and Pim have a lot of experience with the topic. Thanks a lot!