Conference Speaking 101


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good talk filled with nice tips. really nice slides too ;)

Great talk by Skoop, he really covered all the aspects of conference speaking and gave great advice for people getting into speaking now. Very well presented and generally rounded off presentation.

Very usefull talk with great advices based on a huge experience. We feel no 'bridge' between him and the public. The slides was great and very simple, but maybee just to lite for a talk of more 50 minutes.

Engaging talk discussing the life of a (starting) conference speaker, felt very familiar :)

Great advice; I loved how a big part of the talk was sharing your own experiences, something new folk don't just pick up out of theory and text. I feel enthusiastic to do more with this!

Even though you talked a lot about slides already, I think the slides could have been a little bit less minimalistic ;-)

Rafael's presentation was excellent... I am not a very experienced in PHP found the present interesting, clear and easy to follow even though it was touching on some advance PHP concepts.

Good talk for such type of meetings. Not really a talk that can be held on conferences, but I don't think this is you goal with this talk!

It's maybe an idea to look beyond the PHP/developer type of conferences to see how other communities try to help speakers working on their presentation skills. This would be an addition to this talk for already more experienced speakers.

Great talk with great tips! I think it would add to the experience of you had more examples of the tips you give, like good/bad slides, etc.

I enjoyed the talk a lot!

Great talk. Hoped on a bit more cases, but in general good introduction to conference speaking.