Talk comments

Congratulations on your first talk! Thank you for spreading the word about this beautiful new framework.

For me, already being a Laravel lover, everything was clear, but maybe for other people some topics could have used a bit more explanation to reveal the real stength of the framework. But I understand the trade off: there are so much nice features and the time is so short...

I don't blame you for not being an expert in other frameworks, but all the Symfony and ZF people in the room might have wondered what makes Laravel stand out from the other ones. If you keep your learning spirit, you will gain the experience to tackle this kind of broader topics.

Overall, very well done!

Anonymous at 08:43 on 9 May 2013

Very in-depth introduction to Laravel. For me, maybe a little too in-depth. Would've liked to see a comparison to other frameworks, and why we should pick Laravel in the future. At the end of the talk, I had a perfect overview of how Laravel works, what it's main components are... But I was not convinced to give it a try.

To the speaker, I'd like to say: very brave to do your first talk in English, but I would suggest getting comfortable speaking before groups first (while talking Dutch) and only when you're comfortable, switch to English. It seemed to me the speaker was quite nervous (understandably), but it impacted his English, which made some things difficult to understand.

Anonymous at 08:38 on 9 May 2013

Zeer informatieve talk, spreker was heel duidelijk gepassioneerd over security.

Enigste opmerking (voor de toekomst): probeer nog iets meer bijzaak van hoofdzaak te onderscheiden. Werd nog iets te diep ingegaan op details, anekdotes.