Drupal is an enterprise-grade open source content management system (CMS). The vanilla install is capable of handling content structure, content publishing workflow, layout, user and permission management. The functionality can be easily extended by installing contributed modules. Besides content-based site, Drupal can be configured as e-commerce, social networking, intranet, lightweight CRM or custom business process web application. Drupal 8 is the latest version and is built on top of Symfony.

In this workshop, participants will set up Drupal site from scratch, configure and develop an application, and deploy it to a production-ready server. A topic from https://archkatas.herokuapp.com/kata.html will be used to help define the requirement of the site.

Pre-requisite machine setup

Docker Desktop (https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop), or for the hardcore coder: native web server setup with PHP 7.x
ddev (https://github.com/drud/ddev), or for the hardcore coder: native composer, drush, drupal console
git client, and GUI if necessary (https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/)
awesome text editor like vi, or IDE... well, any text editor will do

we will use Platform.sh development tier, which is free for 30-days for new user
Platform.sh development tier provides git server, web server, db, 3 environment, CLI tools
install platform CLI (https://docs.platform.sh/gettingstarted/cli.html)
participants may also use your self-provisioned server and manually configure drush aliases
About the speaker
Being passionate and proficient in technology in general, SJ has his mission in life to help others use technology to better everyone's life. For the past decade, he chooses Drupal as his tools of choice to bring about transformations in client organisations he works with. SJ founded Pixel Onion, an award-winning end-to-end design and development studio who helps clients build secure, scalable and extensible platforms, with focus on delivering delightful experience for the users.

When not busy tinkering with Drupal or building the local Drupal community, he likes to spend quality time with his wife and kids to explore Singapore and the world, to build Gundam model kit, and to play board games.


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