Congratulations! By attending phpDay, you are now a full-fledged member of the PHP community. Your attendee badge is your membership card, proving your acceptance into this global society. My goal is to make that seem exciting instead of intimidating, especially if this is your first PHP conference (or perhaps even your first tech conference altogether!). But even if you’ve attended phpDay before, there is probably more you can get out of the conference and give back to the community. The theme of this talk is leveling up: approaching membership in the PHP community to a degree that’s appropriate for you based on your prior involvement. If this is your first conference, you’ll learn how to get the most out of it, including navigating the talk schedule, the official and unofficial after-hours events, and how to keep in touch with the people you meet afterwards. If you’ve been here before and/or are already a regular attendee at your local meetup, I’ll go over how to deepen your involvement, including how best to support your user group, take a more active role in the conference scene, and start making tiny but meaningful contributions to the open source ecosystem. Finally, for the longtime members looking to make a lasting impact in the community, I’ll go over the highest tier of community contributions, which includes running a user group, technical blogging, contributing to open source, and speaking at meetups and conferences — and why the latter isn’t nearly as scary as you might think, even if you’re a shy introvert like me!


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Samuele Lilli at 12:44 on 10 May 2019

Great talk to kick off the conf.
Lots of great concepts oriented to help newcomers tackle initial shyness and misconception about what “contribute” to the great php community means.

Confidence injection to shy introverted people. Thanks!

Encouraging talk for everyone to get more involved. :-)

Could have maybe emphasised a little bit more about getting involved in Open Source and with more examples, e.g. possible also to work on docs (most devs hate that!), translating stuff like interface, creating issues (was mentioned shortly), manual testing, etc.

I'll still give it a 5, as it was a great and encouraging talk.

Well presented and welcoming first talk of the conference :-) Maybe a little long, but I enjoyed the speaker and her history of self-taught nerdism :-)

Miro Svrtan at 18:09 on 10 May 2019

Keynote was great, thank you for speaking about this topics, specially opening public speaking part: hopefully it will motivate more people to share their knowledge with the community.

Great Talk. As a really shy and introvert person myself the talk was really motivating . I'm one of the founders of pug sondrio and your talk finally gave me some confidence to make my first talk for my local group . Thanks !

The speaker tried to show us her experience and the values of joining a community, as she achieved it.

Shaun Walker at 14:01 on 11 May 2019

Great start to the conference. A nice uplifting boost reminding us we are a community and we're all in it together.

It's a good talk for novices to PHP community, on how to be more engaged