In this talk we'll show how to use OpenAPI specification to generate a PHP client. We will present a use case of the project that we did to build the PHP client for Elasticsearch and Enterprise Search, generating more than 400 endpoints.


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Enrico gave us a lot of useful insights about OpenAPI and tools that can help documenting and generating code.
He was, as usual, very clear, understandable, and entertaining.

Thourougly prepared and presented with great insights, excellent!

Gene Surov at 11:14 on 20 May 2022

Good talk by Enrico. Useful information on OpenAPI and the PHP libraries to use.
Perhaps it was not clear for me what's the connection between OpenAPI and ElasticSearch client library.
Both parts were useful, but not sure they belong to the same talk.
Thanks, Enrico!

The underlying topic was interesting, but the delivery was too slow and lacked engagement. It also ran definitely too long.

Gregor Novak at 12:35 on 20 May 2022

The talk was interesting, but it lacked a few details on how to actually generate the code from the defined OpenAPI specification.

Matteo Contri at 12:47 on 20 May 2022

too much overview of less important details (like supported format, etc.) and rush on something more juicy (like automatic generation, automatic testing, etc.)

Good talk but a bit slow paced and slightly unstimulating

Interesting one, a bit slow in the explanations

dParadiz at 19:58 on 20 May 2022

Interesting topic, but to .much of OpenApi.

Andrea Sprega at 23:05 on 22 May 2022

Interesting topic. Maybe the presentation was a bit too slow and needed more rhythm to be more engaging for the audience. I would have loved more time to digest the final part, which to me was the most interesting but a bit rushed.

Well done, looking forward to be able to use the new version of the client with the generated value models!

Good talk, but felt the delivery was a bit dry this time. When brought in a little bit more engaging way, this could be great!