In this talk, I'll give a quick introduction to LLM and how to use in a PHP application. I'll show some examples using the LLPhant project including a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) system using OpenAI and Elasticsearch as vector database. I'll also present some open source LLM like GPT4All.


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Very interesting talk!

Excellent and very well-executed talk.

Very good talk also for a beginner-intermediate approach to LLMs - very appreciated also the math basis at the beginning

It was cool to have a big refresh on all the concepts behind the technology, it was well explained, fun and I liked the mathematical part of it too. I would suggest you to speed up a bit the philosophical part and focus a bit more on the PHP side of things.

Clear and straight to the point. Thank you very much for the real case examples.
The initial part about how the magic of the LLM works was extremely interesting