Test Driven Development is like a healthy diet - everybody heard how good it is but not so many of us use TDD on a daily basis. We have thousands of excuses and we repeat the same stories about how hard it is, without even checking if that's the case.

As with healthy eating Test Driven Development does not require a strong willpower. You need a good plan and few powerful techniques which are easy to use and simple to remember.

During this presentation, I'm going to share with you my best practices and methods which help to test even legacy code. I’ll show you what you do and don't need to create good tests. We will break all popular myths and excuses about TDD. You will see how similar programmers and doctors are. I’ll show you what can happen if you still don’t care about testing your application, based on real cases.

If you want more, the day before the presentation I'll do a workshop (in Polish) - how to use Test Driven Development in Legacy Code, where you are going to learn how to use the best methods to test even the worst code.


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Grand Software at 10:51 on 2 Jul 2018

Bardzo dobra prezentacja, świetny prelegent.

Dużo hypeu: kilt, analogie, cytat hipokratesa...
Jednak merytorycznie to prezentacja, która prawie zawsze pojawia się konferencjach PHP.
Pokazuje podstawy i omawia benefity, zachęca do TDD.
Nie wychodzi jednak ponadto. Czyli dobra prezentacja dla początkujących.
Jestem pewien, że prelegent - pasjonat testów z wieloletniem doświadczeniem, w tym w dużych i znanych firmach z branży - na pewno może podzielić się ciekawszymi wskazówkami.