In our projects, we are often using existing sets of rules and good
practices, but sometimes there is a desire to follow unique,
project-specific rule. Then, instead of manually checking the new
policy, it is worth to automate it.

Workshop will present how to achieve that using PHP CS Fixer. We will
start from basics - how to analyse source code using... code! We will
learn how the code looks after tokenization and how to traverse over
it, and even manipulate it. Finally, we will learn how to create our
own, custom rule with both, unit and integration tests.

Requirements: - own laptop - php 5.6+ - composer - git


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Świetnie przeprowadzone warsztaty. Prowadzący posiada dużą wiedzę nie tylko w temacie, którego dotyczyły, ale również w tematach okołoprogramistycznych, dzięki czemu nie da się go zagiąć żadnymi pytaniami i na wszystkie chętnie odpowiada.