For those of us who work mostly as backend developers, being asked to fix issues on the frontend can be a bit scary. Node version issues, misbehaving CSS, strange JS async behaviour - it's a long way from the comfort of CLIs, APIs, and backend dev. But from time to time, we will be told "our website is slow", and need to do something about it! Unfortunately, this often means stepping into the world of frontend. But fear not! There are a number of quick wins available to us as backend developers* to improve page speed, without getting tangled up in the usual fun of frontend build and deployment processes. I'll cover the practical code snippets we can use to make these improvements, as well as the tools we use to measure the impact of our changes. If you attend this talk, you'll come away with concrete examples of quick changes you can make to improve the page speed of your application, without having to venture too far into the land of frontend dev! * - backend developers, and also those of us who identify as "Full stack" on our CVs, but are honestly happier working on the backend!


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