Products sold in the EU have a CE marking, which confirms they conform to health, safety and environmental protection standards. There are security standards for software like ISO 27001 and the EU is working on a Cyber Resiliency Act (CRA) with a similar goal: “The Act would see inadequate security features become a thing of the past with the introduction of mandatory cybersecurity requirements for manufacturers and retailers of such products, with this protection extending throughout the product lifecycle”. Let’s have a look at ISO 27001, what is likely relevant for us as PHP devs and do a non-exhaustive self assessment how our work fares in the light of these regulations. In this talk we will look primarily at ISO 27001 requirements and what are common practices for satisfying them. Ideally, this gives you a better understanding of the scope and helps you see where you can make meaningful improvements in the secure development practices of your team from planning over implementation to deployment and operations.


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Max Małecki at 11:44 on 25 Jun 2024

Good job with the talk. Well structured knowledge that connect the dots in your brain. Thanks!