Monthly meetup of local usergroup PHP.FRL

Tuesday 21st February 2017

Why every developer should read Plato
Talk by Omar Reiss (1 hour)

As a philosopher, programming can become quite the Platonic experience. The process of architecting software reminds a lot of what Plato describes as maieutikê; the Socratic process of questioning that eventually leads to anamnesis. Clueless about what these concepts are? Then this talk is for you! I will explain why, as a programmer, understanding these philosophical concepts can be very beneficial in learning programming and building new software. I will give a basic overview of a few key epistemological principles in Plato’s thinking and will explain how they relate to programming. If you are a developer, attending this talk might inspire you to add some philosophy to your development resources. If you are not a developer, this talk could help you have a better understanding of what it is that a developer does all day!